Albany, Ny – WAMC/Northeast Public Radio finished its spring fund drive at 4:15 pm. on Sunday, June 13, 2010. A total of $ 801,005 was raised and pledges were still rolling in.
In enthusiastic WAMC fashion, the on-air fund drive began at 6 a.m. on Monday, June 7, 2010 and ended in under seven days with 6,934 pledgers. Dedicated WAMC members and listeners locally and nationally called and pledged on-line all day and into the night to help make this happen.
WAMC Northeast Public Radio President Alan Chartock says "Going into this fund drive, we were all scared to death because our David Galletly had decided to retire. Because of the wonderful and generous WAMC audience, we made it with time to spare. We are immensely grateful to everyone who helped."
In addition to all the people who pledged during the on-air drive, hundreds of dedicated volunteers from all over the WAMC listening area answered phones, donating their time at the station's Albany studios from 6am to midnight every day. Also, hundreds of regional businesses and organizations donated items, services, and food to the drive, wanting to be a part of the WAMC community. WAMC's fund drives are never possible without the combined efforts of all the contributing sponsors and supporters. For a listing of supporters, visit online at
WAMC's fund drives help support the station's award-winning local and regional reporting, membership to NPR and network programming as well as all of the station's other day-to-day operations.
WAMC Northeast Public Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day with information and cultural programming from stations reaching parts of seven Northeastern states. WAMC is an award-winning producer of regionally based programming. WAMC is a member station of National Public Radio and is affiliated with Public Radio International and American Public Media.