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First Night Celebrations Set To Welcome 2012

By Paul Tuthill


Northhampton, MA – A number of cities in the region, including Saratoga Springs, Burlington Vermont and Northampton Massachusetts will hold First Night events tomorrow ( Saturday). WAMC's Pioneer Valley Bureau Chief Paul Tuthill has more on these community celebrations and arts festivals.

Now well into its second generation, the First Night format, which consists of an eclectic mix of artists performing at multiple venues throughout the last day and night of the year has proven its durability, according to Penny Burke, the executive director of the Northampton Center for the Arts, which produces that city's First Night.
Jennifer Crowell, the executive director of First Night Burlington, says the event is a community celebration.
Adding something new every few years helps keep First Night events fresh while maintaining traditions. First Night Burlington is adding some new childrens' programs this year, and bringing back classical music.
Northampton First Night has added a theatrical style circus performance with acrobats and aerial acts.
Each of the First Nights features roughly 100 performing groups at 20 odd venues. And each has a website, where a schedule of all the performances can be found, so people can plan their day, according to Penny Burke.
The performance venues will all shut down in plenty of time for the tens of the thousands of First Night visitors to assemble to welcome in the new year.. 2012 will be greeted by fireworks at midnight in Burlington and Saratoga Springs, and with a ball raising on the roof of the Hotel Northampton.
A flat priced First Night button is the ticket to each of the performances. But its very much a walk-up crowd. Burke says in Northampton a third of the button sales are on the day of the event. Many First Night visitors don't buy buttons which aren't needed to take in the parades, the fireworks and just the carefree atmosphere.
Burke says producing First Night is a financial challenge and the events are heavily dependent on sponsorships from local businesses
First Night Boston, which pioneered the celebration 36 years ago, is raising additional money by selling a VIP button, which is twice the price of a regular button. It guarantees front seats for the top acts. Worcester Massachusetts First Night is charging extra for admission to a champagne reception to toast the new year.