Rick Yancey - The 5th Wave

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Rick Yancey’shttps://youtu.be/kmxLybfGNC4" style="line-height: 1.5;">The 5th Wave isn’t your usual aliens take over the world, humans fight back, and the survivors come out being smarter, more vigilant, and all around better people than they started book. Instead it looks at how we change when we have to make life or death decisions, and what we’ll do to find our loved ones – even if it means sacrificing the ones who have helped keep us alive.

Yancey’s novel will hit the silver screen next Friday January 22nd. Katie Britton spoke with Yancey about the novel, and asked him why he chose to have several narrators telling the story.

Want to know about the 2nd book in the series, The Indefinite Sea? Rick explains all in this web exclusive interview.

The Infinite Sea; published by Putnam.

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