All The Galaxy's A Stage: William Shakespeare's Star Wars

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More than three and half decades since its release, Star Wars is more popular than ever. News of the series reboot means a new round of earnest excitement, but for now, blind fandom has been replaced among aficionados with a new level of ironic appreciation for the universe: Family Guy and Robot Chicken have celebrated the trilogies; the ill-fated Star Wars Christmas Special that features Chewbacca racing across the galaxy for the holidays has millions of YouTube views; one-man Star Wars performer Charlie Ross has been on this very show; and actors like Simon Pegg and Nick Frost reportedly began their comedy partnership when one recognized the other’s droid sound effect at a dinner.

All of which is to say it’s surprising that it took this long to bring the ivory tower gravity of Statford-On-Avon to the swamps of Dagobah.

But novelist Ian Doescher has done just that in his new book, William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope, out now from Quirk Books.

And before you curse the ghost of Thomas Bowdler, think about it for a second: Star Wars and Shakespeare is not such a stretch. There’s the Falstaffian comic relief of C-3PO and R2D2, the questions over legacy and progeny that consume Darth Vader like an interstellar King Lear, the underworld of a Shylock known as Jabba the Hutt.

So before he exits, pursued by a Wookie, it's our pleasure to welcome Ian Doescher to the Roundtable.

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A lifelong resident of the Capital Region, Ian joined WAMC in late 2008 and became news director in 2013. He began working on Morning Edition and has produced The Capitol Connection, Congressional Corner, and several other WAMC programs. Ian can also be heard as the host of the WAMC News Podcast and on The Roundtable and various newscasts. Ian holds a BA in English and journalism and an MA in English, both from the University at Albany, where he has taught journalism since 2013.