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Commentary & Opinion

Commentary & Opinion

  • Last fall, many schools across the nation closed due to excessive heat. Acknowledging that the planet is getting hotter and that students may be unsafe in schools when temperatures soar, New York lawmakers approved legislation to require schools to evacuate students if classrooms reach 88 degrees. The bill, if approved by Governor Hochul, would mandate that students be moved to another location or sent home when temperatures hit 88 degrees. The bill also requires that once the temperatures reach 82 degrees, school districts take immediate action to offer students an opportunity to get cool, but they would not have to leave.
  • Sometimes things aren’t what they seem. Magicians don’t really snatch coins from thin air, make rabbits disappear or cut their assistants in half on stage.
  • Hugh Hildesley is best known as a Sotheby’s auctioneer. But he was standing on stage at a New York City fundraiser Monday night for the Academy for Teachers in a slightly different capacity. Blessedly, he announced there was to be no bidding wars, as there often are at these things, for a wine tasting or a weekend on a Tuscany farm for you and ten of your best friends.
  • It would appear that we are going to have to say this once more for the people in the back: women’s basketball is a thing. And if it isn’t your thing, then hush.
  • There’s a lot of Premier League soccer talk at out house, mainly because my two teenagers are really into soccer. One of them roots for Manchester United, or Man U, which I’ve come to learn is perhaps the most popular team in the world.
  • In my view, my side gig as a musician took off when I was 5 years old. That’s when my big brother, who was 14, taught me to confidently sing “A Teenager’s Romance,” Ricky Nelson’s big hit of 1957 – which I performed before a captive audience of about three dozen at the annual family reunion. I must’ve killed it, because after that, I considered myself a singer. And as devotedly wedded as I have been to my journalism career, music has remained my tender passion.
  • I own and use a watch that goes tiktok – a present from my dad when I graduated from college. But no one has my watch in mind when discussing whether to ban or regulate TikTok. There is confusion, however, about what the First Amendment does or doesn’t, should or shouldn’t, be taken to mean. That’s partly because the issue is being posed very narrowly. Narrowing discussion to a particular media outlet raises all kinds of questions and fears. Can government ban Fox News or the New York Times?
  • The Fed appears to have determined that no further rate hikes will be imposed, nor will any rate cuts be imposed until inflation gets at or close to the Fed’s designated target of 2%.
  • As the nation’s politics become increasingly polarized in a highly divided nation, new voters could easily become the “kingmakers” of November’s elections. Polls show the nation is evenly divided as they consider the Presidential candidates of the major political parties. Given the recent razor-thin votes in key Presidential battleground states, a swing one way or another can tip the balance into who gets a majority of the Electoral College ballots.
  • When my grandparents bought our place in the 1940’s it was said that traffic on our dirt road consisted of two cars. Or rather one car. It drove down the road in the morning and returned at night.
  • Imagine for a moment that instead of daily reports from a New York Courtroom where Donald Trump is on trial for falsifying business records to describe a payoff to a woman with whom he had a brief affair in 2006, we would be getting daily reports from a Washington, DC courtroom where the US government is presenting chapter and verse about how Donald Trump encouraged and enabled an attempt to overthrow the will of the voters and deny Joe Biden the Presidency on January 6, 2021.
  • It's time for our listeners to weigh in. Here are this week's highlights from the WAMC Listener Comment Line.