Sounds of Progress Part I: Can a Hook Shot Hook the Scientific Mind? Teaching Science Through Sports

By Nancy Cohen

New York City – The American Institutes for Research recently published a study that compares the performance of 8th graders in individual American states, to students in top-performing countries like Japan and South Korea. Students in the highest-performing U.S. states ranked below their peers in foreign countries in math and science. Dr. Penny Hammrich is working to increase American students', particularly girls, participation and abilities in science. Dr. Hammrich is the Dean of Education at Queens College, City University of New York, where she is also a Professor of Science Education and Director of the Equity Studies Research Center. Dr. Hammrich has spent more than a decade researching and developing a program that draws young women into science. She does this by mixing science learning with something fun...sports! The program is called Sisters in Science and research is revealing that, overtime, participants are showing a remarkable increase in science understanding, abilities, and retention.

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