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The Best of Our Knowledge # 834


People always remember where they were and what they were
doing when something monumental happens in their lives. This
was the case for all of us who experienced pictures of the terrorist
attacks five years ago this month. It's equally so for our first guest,
who was working in the FAA tower in Washington, DC the day
American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon. Dr. Lyntis
Beard is the lead author of the report, Journeys Through The
Teacher Pipeline: Recapitalizing American Education. The study,
prepared by the National Security Study Group, provides some
eye-opening details about major education concerns, specifically,
critical shortages in science and math teachers. The report calls
these crucial to national security, and to the nation's future.
Journeys Through The Teacher Pipeline was an offshoot of what
many of our listeners may more readily recognize as the Hart-Rudman Commission. It was charged with reviewing U.S. national security
policy for the next 25-years. It was published in May of 2001 and
largely ignored...until the events of September 11th unfolded. Then,
it suddenly moved to the top of everyone's reading list, including TBOOK's.
Glenn Busby reports. (9:32)

Two reports were published this Summer regarding foreign student
admissions in the U.S. The first report called, Restoring U.S.
Competitiveness For International Students and Scholars , says
visa restrictions set after the terrorist attacks September 11, 2001,
and the lack of a national strategy, are causing the country to lose
out to growing competition for international students. But the report
by NAFSA: Association of International Educators did offer some
praise to the State Department for reducing visa delays and other
obstacles for foreign students. Another survey was released last
month from the Council of Graduate Schools. Its results show the
number of foreign students admitted to American graduate schools
rose this year for the second straight year by 12%. Regardless of
these recent findings, the issue of student visas was an important
one for higher education after September 11th. Estimates show
these students contribute as much as 11-billion dollars to the
American economy. Five years ago we broadcast this guest
commentary from then President of Macalester College in St. Paul,
Minnesota, Michael McPherson. McPherson is now President of the
Spencer Foundation in Chicago, Illinois.

Michael McPherson comments. (3:00)

There were 12-million students enrolled in college in the Fall of 2001
when terrorists struck New York City and Washington, DC. Just how
were students impacted by September 11th? It turns out that question,
and others like it, were included in that school year's National Survey
of Student Engagement. Questions included: have you become more
serious about your studies? Are you more interested in learning about
other cultures? Are you more patriotic? Results of the NSSE survey
were compiled into a radio essay for TBOOK called, The Lingering
Effects of 9/11 On Campus. It comes from Dr. George Kuh, Director
of the National Survey of Student Engagement at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.
Dr. George Kuh remarks. (4:22)