Last week's challenge
Start with the name of one of only two countries whose name starts with SU. Using half of the letters in the country’s name, you can spell the former name of another current nation. What are the words?
On-air questions: Today is the last day of June, and our questions this week are getting in the end-of-the-month spirit: each correct answer will end with “une”, as in the end of “June”.
1. What was discovered by mathematical prediction rather than observation, had the first of its fourteen moons discovered shortly after itself and some 100 years before its second one was, and is often represented by a symbol that looks like a trident?
2. Used by Germanic peoples in inscriptions beginning around the 2nd century before they adopted the Latin alphabet, what do we call a letter that represented a sound and also sometimes represented a concept that gave the letter its name?
3. Which 1965 book won the first Nebula Award for Best Novel and the Hugo Award – both given to outstanding works of science fiction – and is often cited as the best selling science-fiction novel of all time?
4. On November 3, 1948, the day after the 1948 U.S. presidential election, which midwestern newspaper ran one of the most famous headlines in history when it boldly declared on its front page “Dewey Defeats Truman”?
5. What game show featured rounds on its 1984 version called Melody Roulette, Bid-a-Note, and the Golden Medley and those on its 2021 revival called Mixtape, On Shuffle, and Title Track?
Extra credit
1. The third movement of a 1905 piano suite by Claude Debussy has what three-word title that means “moonlight” in French?
2. Which civil rights activist founded the National Council of Negro Women in 1935 and later worked with President Franklin Roosevelt to form a group of advisors that came to be known as the Black Cabinet?
This week's challenge
Start with the phrase THE LAST WEEK. Change one letter to an R and you can rearrange the result to spell a hyphenated word that describes someone who can be charming, but not in a good way. What is the word?
On-air questions
1. Neptune
2. Rune
3. Dune
4. Chicago Daily Tribune
5. Name That Tune
Extra credit
1. “Clair de lune”
2. Mary McLeod Bethune