Another Church Shuttered In Mohawk Valley

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David Chanatry

Lutheran Bishop Marie Jerge closes the last service for the Christ Lutheran church in Little Falls with its few remaining members in attendance. The dwindling number of church members might be a reason for its closing, but the religious veterans who have been attending for decades remember Christ Lutheran playing a huge part in their lives.

From the time more than a century ago when two dozen German immigrants turned an old armory in the Mohawk Valley town of Little Falls into a place of worship, prayer and music have provided comfort and inspiration and peace to the congregation of Christ Lutheran Church.

Terry Monahan knows the feeling.

“I like going to church,” said Monohan. “It makes you think when you go to church, even if it's not a religious thing, it makes you think about the meaning of life. I kind of love that hour there.”

Monahan is the vice president of the Christ Lutheran church council. He joined the church as a young boy in 1950.

“I went to Sunday school and each grade, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 all had a separate class and each class had eight or 10 kids in it,” said Monohan. “It was kind of a bustling place.”

But now with a dwindling congregation of barely a dozen mostly-elderly members, the council recently made the difficult decision to close the church doors. Lutheran Bishop Marie Jerge led the last service at Christ Lutheran.

“My prayer is that this service of holy closure will be a glimmer of light and hope for you,” said Jerge from the altar.

The service brought about 60 members and former members together for the last time. Betty Brown brought her two elderly aunts. She said she had to be there to say goodbye.

“I made my confirmation here,” said Brown.  “I was married in this church, my children were baptized in this church, my daughter was married in this church, this is our family church.”

Some members like Helen Macsymicz spoke of the closing as a funeral.

“It’s just like losing a best friend. You just got to make the best of it,” said Macsymicz.

For a number of churches, it’s also a sign of the times. Bishop Jerge says the Lutheran Church recently has been closing three or four congregations a year in upstate New York.

“Congregations, like any other institution or even families , have life cycles,” said Jerge.  “About every 30 years, congregations need to reinvent themselves. But if communities themselves are in decline, then that becomes harder and harder to do, and that’s what we’ve experienced all across upstate New  York.”

What are known as the mainline Protestant denominations—Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, American Baptist—all have been losing members. Part of it is simple demographics: there are fewer people now in places like Little Falls. In addition, there are more churches to choose from today.

But Hamilton College professor of Religious Studies Brent Plate says especially in small towns, churches are less relevant to the social needs of communities than they used to be.

Credit David Chanatry

“The church as always a place of social life,” said Plate.  “You went to the church service, you listened to the church sermon, but then you stuck around afterwards and you had lunch together, and you knew people and business deals began with the churches. Church life was implicated in all other life of the community.”

By an overwhelming majority, most Americans say they believe in God. But according to the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, an increasing number—20 percent of adults, and a third of adults under the age of 30, are not affiliated with any particular religion. Brent Plate says that reflects a trait that’s very American.

“We’ve got this huge culture of individualism in the states, and we believe we can practice on our own. ‘We can do this by ourselves.’ We kind of have self-help Christianity sometimes, 'I don’t need to go to church, I can do it on my own,'" said Plate.

The few remaining members at Christ Lutheran in Little Falls have been attending the same church for decades. Now they have to sell the building, distribute all the assets including a large statue of Christ, and choose a new place to worship.

David Chanatry is with the New York Reporting Project at Utica College:

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