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Reaction to Finalized NYS Budget

The $132.5 billion budget would increase spending by 2 percent while expanding economic development and jobs programs. Governor Cuomo says the cornerstone of the deal is his "New York Works" program, which is aimed at creating jobs statewide through public-private partnerships. Plattsburgh North Country Chamber of Commerce   President and CEO Gary Douglas says the budget continues the Governor’s determined commitment to reforming state finances.

The Committee to Save New York is a business and labor coalition. Spokesman Michael McKeon praises the overall budget while noting there is still work to be done.

The budget includes about 20.4 billion dollars in school aid, with performance grants that reward academic improvement.  805-million dollars in increased education spending is targeted to high need schools.  NYS School Boards Association  Spokesman Dave Albert says overall the budget is positive for schools.

Alliance for Quality Education Spokesperson Nikki Jones says the restoration of education funds does not go far enough.

Environmental Advocates of NY notes that while there are green elements to the budget, it does not support an independent health assessment for fracking, nor does it enhance the state Environmental Protection Fund.  Fiscal Policy Director Alison Jenkins says both were critical missed opportunities.

The 2012-13 spending plan is due by midnight Sunday.