Albany, NY – A team of scientists says New Yorkers should start preparing for radical climate changes that will bring much hotter summers, snowier winters, devastating floods, and a broad range of other impacts to the environment, communities and human health. WAMC's Dave Lucas has more...
The 600-page report called ClimAID, authored by more than 50 scientists from Cornell, Columbia University and the City University of New York, was released Wednesday by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority at a conference in Albany.
Among the findings: Global warming is not evenly distributed; because of its northerly latitude, New York has already warmed 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 40 years more than twice the global average.
In the Catskill and Adirondack mountains, shorter and warmer winters with less snow could hurt ski- and snowmobile-related tourism.
The report suggests that when municipalities upgrade or build bridges, sewers and other infrastructure, they should choose designs that can withstand heavier rains. It also recommends Flood zones be expanded.
Dave Lucas, WAMC News.
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