Advocacy Groups Call For More Smoking Cessation Spending

By Pat Bradley

Albany, NY – The report "Up In Smoke" says New York State earnings on its highest cigarette tax in the country and revenues from the tobacco Master Settlement Agreement have brought in nearly 10 and a half billion dollars. The state has allocated less than 4 cents per dollar for anti-smoking efforts. That's far less than CDC recommendations, according to American Cancer Society Vice President for Advocacy Blair Horner. American Lung Association in NY Vice President of Public Policy Michael Seilback. The NYS League of Women Voters Legislative Director Barbara Bartoletti says the state is using tobacco dollars inefficiently. Calls to the Governor's office were not returned in time for this broadcast. In published reports, the Governor's budget office says the state still spends more money on anti-smoking programs than most states despite spending cuts in all areas during the fiscal crisis. Again the Lung Association's Michael Seilback. There's more on our website: wamc-dot-org

Up In Smoke Report

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