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Concerns Over Impact of Proposed Cuts to Health Care in Debt Ceiling Deal

By Pat Bradley


Plattsburgh, NY – In 2012 physicians may see further reductions in their Medicare reimbursements in addition to a 29.4 percent cut scheduled on January first. The debt ceiling deal includes automatic cuts of two percent to Medicare if a Congressional SuperCommittee does not reach consensus. The Healthcare Association of NYS released a statement in the wake of the vote saying any "...cuts to providers are de facto cuts to patients' benefits..." Healthcare Association of New York State Spokesman William Van Slyke.

NYS Conservative Party Chair Michael Long says if the cuts are triggered, it will affect all levels of health care across New York.

The cuts are likely to also impact other states. Vermont Medical Society Executive Vice President Paul Harrington says it could slow the Green Mountain State's move towards a single payer health care system.

Medical Society of the State of NY President-Elect Dr. Robert Hughes.

The so-called Supercommittee must report before Thanksgiving on proposed mechanisms to reduce federal spending.