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Meeting to Update Progress on Lake Champlain Bridge Construction Scheduled Tonight

By Pat Bradley


West Addison, VT – Transportation officials from both states will update the public tonight on the progress of the $70 million bridge being built between West Addison, VT and Crown Point, NY. NYS DOT Region One Spokesperson Carol Breen says the meetings are scheduled periodically to keep the public informed...... 1 :23 We promised that ..... construction projects Breen says DOT officials will outline the progress that has been made on the new bridge ....... 2 :29 We have finished ...... old bridge Vermont Agency of Transportation Lake Champlain Bridge Project Manager Danny Landry says construction workers have encountered some challenges...... 1 :35 When they were ...... some delays The Public Advisory Committee met with construction officials about two weeks ago and received a preview of tonight's report. Lake Champlain Bridge Coalition Spokesperson Karen Hennessy was at that meeting........ 1 :36 DOT will be presenting ... all of those questions In addition to the construction update, the agenda includes discussion about restoration of the temporary ferry site following completion of the bridge and plans to commemorate the original bridge. Again, the Lake Champlain Bridge Coalition's Karen Hennessy....... 2 :25 The commemoration part ...... as well Despite delays over the winter, NYS DOT Spokesperson Carol Breen says hopes are that the original opening date of October ninth can still be met ....... 3 :22 The contractor ....in October Tonight's meeting begins at 6:30 at the Addison Central School.

