By Pat Bradley
Plattsburgh, NY – At Plattsburgh State, the Teach In was coordinated by The Center for Diversity Pluralism and Inclusion. A pre-teach in discussion was held earlier in the day with students and interested individuals. Outreach Coordinator Kevin Pearson...... 1 :46 The basic idea of a teach in ...... economic echelon The live teach in was streamed live from the Judson Memorial Church in NYC and hosted by Cornel West and Frances Fox Piven...... 1 :50 The wealth and income of ...... our planet Immediately following the streamed teach in, SUNY Plattsburgh held follow up sessions to discuss the issues and how the local community might address them. Incoming Honors Program Director Distinguished Professor James Armstrong 1 :34 I think what it might ........ than they do harm Colleges in the region that also participated in the National Teach-in on austerity, debt, and corporate greed include the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Williams College, Dartmouth, College of St. Rose, Marist, SUNY New Paltz, Bard, SUNY Albany, Sarah Lawrence, and the University of Vermont.