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NYS Budget Battle: Another Side

By Dave Lucas


Albany, NY – The New York State budget is due April First. Governor Andrew Cuomo's spending plan contains several unpopular cuts designed to close a projected $10 billion dollar deficit. Meanwhile, millions are being spent by groups on opposing sides of the Cuomo budget proposal. Capital District Bureau Chief Dave Lucas reports.

It's no secret: with the sour economy, state government had no choice but to make cuts... Meanwhile, there's a lot of money being spent by "outside groups" - some for and others against the Governor's budget - those supporting Cuomo's financial plan have outspent the budget's critics.

New York State United Teachers is among the groups rallying and advertising against cuts: their concern is funding for education. NYSUT spokesman Carl Korn explains this year is really not "a whole lot different than other years" - NYPIRG's Blair Horner says this year the money is on the Governor's side. Cuomo's opponents collectively have spent 1-point-9 million dollars fighting various budget components. The other side, led by "The Committee To Save New York" has backed Cuomo to the tune of about 2-point-6 million dollars. Committee Spokesman Bill Cunningham says its normal for groups to spend money as the budget process plays out.

NYPIRG's Blair Horner says groups pro and con believe the millions they've poured into the budget process is money well-spent. Governor Cuomo says if a budget agreement cannot be reached by the April 1 deadline, he'll give lawmakers a choice between an extender with his spending cuts or a government shutdown.