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Coalition Seeks Permanent Kendra's Law

By Dave Lucas


Albany, NY – A broad coalition of mental health advocates, law enforcement officials and leading lawmakers are calling for Kendra's Law to be made permanent. Capital District Bureau Chief Dave Lucas reports.

11 years ago Kendra Webdale was pushed in front of a New York City subway train by a man with untreated Schizophrenia who was wandering the streets. The incident prompted the passage of "Kendra's Law" which established A.O.T. - Assisted Outpatient Treatment - which allowed courts statewide to order severely mentally ill patients to comply with treatment, while ordering individual counties to provide that treatment and monitor compliance. The law sunsets this month.

Supporters of Kendra's Law want it to be written into the books permanently. Republican Senator Catherine Young and Democratic Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther are leading the push, but not everyone is one board with changing the way Kendra's Law stays on the books... Harvey Rosenthal is the executive director of the New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, he speaks on behalf of 22 mental health advocacy organizations. Rosenthal argues that extending the statute will not impede the programs main goals, while Young and Gunther believe it's a waste of time and taxpayer money to keep extending a law that has demonstrated its effectiveness.