Law School Professor Discusses Suspicious Email Scheme

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Jennifer Taub
Vermont Law School

An apparent scheme to discredit Special Counsel Robert Mueller fell apart Thursday after right-wing conspiracy theorist Jacob Wohl and his partner Jack Burkman claimed a woman would come forward with accusations against Mueller. It didn’t happen. Their claims had already been compromised after another woman forwarded to the Special Counsel’s office an email from a company called Surefire Intelligence. It had offered to pay for information on any encounters she had with Mueller.  Wohl and Burkman initially denied any affiliation and then admitted Surefire was their company.  The woman who alerted the Special Counsel’s office and shattered an apparent conspiracy scheme is Vermont Law School Professor and CNN legal analyst Jennifer Taub.  She tells WAMC’s North Country Bureau Chief Pat Bradley at first glance she thought the email was sent to her by mistake.
"I don’t know Robert Mueller. I’ve never met him. I’ve had no encounters with him. And so just sort of as I started reading my thought was to be polite and email them back and say um you know I’m sorry I don’t know him. Have a nice day. But then as I continued along the email to the next paragraph it seemed like they explicitly said they were trying to dig into Robert Mueller’s past and offering to pay me some money for my time and also offering to pay me if I gave them other references.  And that made me extremely suspicious. And so I promptly searched on the web to find a way to contact the Special Counsel’s office, found an email address and forwarded the email right to them.”

Extended conversation with Vermont Law School Professor Jennifer Taub

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