An official with the public transit system in Hartford, Connecticut has been tapped to run the largest regional transit authority in western Massachusetts.
Sandra Sheehan has been selected to be the next administrator of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority.
Currently the director of grants and contracts with the Greater Hartford Transit District, Sheehan worked for the PVTA earlier in her career.
Northampton Mayor David Narkewicz, who chairs the PVTA Advisory Board said Sheehan was chosen from among three finalists.
" The board was very impressed with her knowledge, experience and leadership skills and also her local knowledge of the PVTA and the 24 communities it serves," said Narkewicz.
Sheehan would succeed Mary MacInnes, who retired last month after 10 years as PVTA Administrator.
As the next administrator comes aboard, the PVTA is moving the hub of its Springfield operations in June to the new Union Station.
The authority recently broke ground in Springfield to construct a $55 million bus maintenance facility.