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Known Civil War Artist To Speak At Norman Rockwell Musuem

©Mort Künstler Inc. All rights reserved.

  As school vacation week wraps up for many kids in the region, the Norman Rockwell Museum is hosting a talk by an artist who has depicted many historical American events.

An exhibition on display at the Norman Rockwell Museum traces artist Mort Künstler’s 60 year career from illustrator to historical painter. Largely known for his depictions of The Civil War, Künstler will be at the museum Saturday for a talk about his action-packed creations.

“One that I did recently shows [President Abraham] Lincoln arriving at the Gettysburg railroad station,” Künstler said. “That’s a favorite of mine that’s at the museum. There are just so many and I sort of fall in love with each picture when I’m working on it.” 

Saturday’s talk starts at 5:30. The exhibition runs through March 8th.

Jim was WAMC’s Assistant News Director and hosted WAMC's flagship news programs: Midday Magazine, Northeast Report and Northeast Report Late Edition.
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