Any Questions #418

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WAMC's Ian Pickus and resident quizzer Mike Nothnagel switch seats to switch a letter.

Last week's challenge
Start with the phrase MOUNT RAINIER. Add a letter and you can rearrange the result to spell a seven-letter word for a type of leafy vegetable and a six-letter word for a root vegetable. What are the words?
Answer: If you add a P, you can spell ROMAINE and TURNIP.

On-air questions: Well Mike, this is our last show of August, and the last show of season eight of Any Questions. Since you and I have changed places for this week’s show, you’ll also have to change a letter to reach the correct answer to this week’s questions.  

1. Name the actress known for films like “Carrie,” “Coal Miner’s Daughter” and 2018’s “The Old Man And The Gun” who is a California-based aerospace company with a goal of reaching Mars in the next five years.
2. The 46th governor of Texas and the nation’s 43rd president who performed as a threesome for most of a 40-year career that featured hits like “Tom Sawyer, “The Spirit of Radio,” “Freewill” and “Limelight.”
3. A California-based rock band that played more than 2,300 concerts between 1965 and 1995 that is an ancient alcoholic drink made by fermenting honey.
4. A standup comedian seen on NBC from 1992-2009 and again from 2010-2014 in the same role who is a casino and lottery game where players bet on numbers to be drawn, usually between 1 and 80.
5. A chess piece that starts the game in the corner and can move as many pieces as its wants horizontally or vertically that won the 2011 Tony Award for Best Musical.

Extra credit
1. A promontory found at the southern end of South Africa first sighted by Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias in 1488 that’s an honorific adopted by Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 2013.
2. A decade-old MTV reality TV show that popularized terms like “grenade,” “GTL,” “chooch” and “T-shirt time” that is caused by obstructed air movement during sleep.

This week's challenge
Start with the last name of a well-known Oscar-winning actor. Change one letter, and you can spell a last name found in the title of a 2013 film he starred in. What are the names?

On-air questions

1. Sissy SpaceX
2. George W. Rush
3. Grateful Mead
4. Jay Keno
5. “Rook of Mormon”

Extra credit
1. Cape of Good Pope
2. “Jersey Snore”


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A lifelong resident of the Capital Region, Ian joined WAMC in late 2008 and became news director in 2013. He began working on Morning Edition and has produced The Capitol Connection, Congressional Corner, and several other WAMC programs. Ian can also be heard as the host of the WAMC News Podcast and on The Roundtable and various newscasts. Ian holds a BA in English and journalism and an MA in English, both from the University at Albany, where he has taught journalism since 2013.