Any Questions #174

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It's that time of year: the trivia clearance sale.

Last week's challenge
Name actor and musician Jack Black’s comedic band. Rearrange the letters in this band’s name and you can spell a 10-letter word for some things that are sought on college campuses. What are they?
Answer: the band is TENACIOUS D, and you can rearrange those letters to spell EDUCATIONS.

This week's category: LEFTOVER QUESTIONS #4
On-air questions
: It's the final Friday of the year, which means, once again, it's time for our annual Any Questions? clearance sale. This week, we'll empty out the trivia tote bags and use up some leftover questions from categories we did during 2014. As always, no refunds will be given as all sales are final.
1. [#128: Units of Time] What is the common name for the feast day celebrated by the Catholic Church on November 1, and which was established after the number of martyrs became so large that a separate feast day couldn't be assigned to each one?
2. [#137: Breakfast Cereals] Beginning in 1971, General Mills introduced five cereals collectively referred to as the Monster Cereals. The group included Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy. Name any two of the other three.
3. [#139: License Plates] In part to aid in identifying them in an emergency, all 50 states allow amateur radio operators to display what on their license plates instead of a standard-issue plate number?
4. [#150: 1864] Chronicling the travels of German professor Otto Lidenbrock, Journey to the Center of the Earth is an 1864 novel, and the third in a series of 54 novels called the Extraordinary Journeys, by what French author?  
5. [#164: Nobel Peace Prize] Since the Nobel Peace Prize was first given out in 1901, there have been 20 years in which it was not awarded. Nine of those years occurred between 1914 and 1918, and between 1939 and 1943, during what two events?

Extra credit
1. [#133: Circles] "The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end" is the opening line to "Circles," an essay by whom, published in 1841, the same year as the author's essay "Self-Reliance"?
2. [#158: Groups of Four] Broflovski, Marsh, and McCormick are the last names of three members of a famous foursome on television. What last name completes the group?

This week's challenge
Start with the two-word name of a show you hear on WAMC. Replace the initial consonant sound of the first word with a "sh" sound, and phonetically, you'll get the last name of a person you hear on WAMC. What is the show and who is the person?

On-air questions

1. All Saints' Day
2. Boo-Berry, Count Chocula, Franken-Berry
3. Call sign
4. Jules Verne
5. World War I and World War II

Extra credit
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. Cartman (they're the four main characters on South Park)


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A lifelong resident of the Capital Region, Ian joined WAMC in late 2008 and became news director in 2013. He began working on Morning Edition and has produced The Capitol Connection, Congressional Corner, and several other WAMC programs. Ian can also be heard as the host of the WAMC News Podcast and on The Roundtable and various newscasts. Ian holds a BA in English and journalism and an MA in English, both from the University at Albany, where he has taught journalism since 2013.