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June Fund Drive Live

Join us live from Pledge Central for the June Fund Drive. There is no better time than now to donate to your favorite public radio station!

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Infowars founder Alex Jones speaks to the media outside Waterbury Superior Court during his 2022 defamation trial in Waterbury, Conn.
Joe Buglewicz
Getty Images North America
A judge is expected to tell Jones to sell off assets. But the families are likely to get only a tiny fraction of the nearly $1.5 billion in damages Jones owes for lies about the 2012 school shooting.
From NPR
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Enjoy a summer of music broadcast from the lush Berkshire Hills with “Live From Tanglewood.” Concerts air Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. starting July 6.
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