51% Show #1163

By Susan Barnett


Albany, NY – Here is this week's information on 51% # 1163.


BILLBOARD - Susan Barnett (Music Out)


Let's take time out from all the headlines and talk about your dreams. Did you get talked out of doing what you wanted with your life because it wasn't practical? Do you stay awake at night worrying about your children's wild schemes? Meet Lorenza Ponce. You probably have seen her - she's a small woman with a wild violin style who's backed up Sheryl Crowe and Jon Bon Jovi on tour and on TV. And she'll tell you that the last thing anyone ever expected was that she'd have a career as a rock violinist.

10:19 Lorenza Ponce Barnett

That's Lorenza Ponce. You can find her on the web at Lorenza Ponce.com - and the songs you heard were from her last album, Soul Shifter.

Coming up, why spicy food is just what the doctor ordered. And should you pay more, or less, for a house with an invisible resident?
If you missed part of our show, you can find us online at wamc.org or call 1-800-323-9262 to order a CD. This week's show is #1163.

This week on Alive and Kicking, Dr. Sharon Ufberg takes some time to give us the lowdown on spices - and why they're an important key to health.

6:03 Spice up your life Ufberg

Dr. Sharon Ufberg is an integrative health care journalist. She hosts a regular wellness feature on KVON/KVYN the Vine in Napa Valley. She writes for the Huffington Post and Womens eNews and she contributes regular Alive and Kicking features for us here on 51%. Find out more at drsharonufberg.com.

Who would want to buy a hunted property? Is there a market for haunted houses? Could it actually increase the value of your property? Steve Webb takes a look at that halloween staple, the haunted house, with expert opinion from real estate agent Mary Pope Handy .

4:29 Market for Haunted Houses PRX

Happy Halloween.


That's our show for this week. Thanks to Katie Britton for production assistance. Our music is by Kevin Bartlett.

If you'd like to hear this show again, or visit the 51% archives, go to our website at WAMC.org. You can also find a regular column related to 51% at feminist.com.

Thanks so much for joining us we'll be back next week with another edition of
51% The Women's Perspective.

(:20 pads out to 25:00)


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