Albany, NY – There's been a lot of talk about pay parity and the glass ceiling for women in the workplace. You may be surprised to learn that a new study shows that women actually work fewer hours than men but they get the same amount of work done AND make less money. Personal finance expert Manisha Thakor has more.
4:53 White House Study Thakor
Manisha Thakor is a personal finance expert and founder of the Women's Financial Literacy Institute. Find out more at
Next, Selena Rezvani takes a closer look at that question of the careers women choose. Why is it that women tend to shy away from careers in engineering and math? And why do those who do go into the field often leave?
6:25 Engineering pay parity Rezvani
Selena Rezvani is an author and lecturer. You can find out more at
There is a venerable activist magazine called Mother Jones - it's done some important investigative journalism and is always shining a light on corruption and injustice. It's carrying on the mission of its namesake - a feisty little woman who fought for human rights when the industrial age was using human lives as fuel. Gilles Malkine has more.
8:51 Mother Jones Malkine
Gilles Malkine is a writer and musician. He lives in New York. One place you can find out more about Mother Jones is at the AFL-CIO website. Find out more about the magazine at