Albany, NY – One thing we can thank the Internet for is access to information about where we came from. Not just geographically, but ancestrally. Websites that give us access to ships records, census records, birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates now make it possible to do research that used to mean travel to distant towns to see records first hand. And shows like Who Do You Think You Are, are feeding our thirst to know more. Megan Smolenyak is the genealogist whose work inspired that show.
9:50 Megan Smolenyak
To find out more about Megan Smolenyak and how to research your own ancestry, visit her website at
As far as I know, we've never featured a male commentator on this show. It is, after all, called 51% - the women's perspective. But when Gilles Malkine proposed featuring profiles of women in history, I was intrigued. And then he explained why and I was sold.
4:04 Women in History intro
Gilles Malkine is a writer, musician and son of the legendary folk singer and resistance fighter, Sonia Malkine. We'll have his first profile, featuring not one but three women from history, next week.
With all of the upheaval in the world, it's hard to know where to focus. The headlines from Egypt get bumped aside by news from Japan - and that news competes with developments in Libya. So what is happenng in a place that's been synonymous with tragedy - Darfur? KALW's Hana Baba has a report on a California project that's keeping its attention on the women of Darfur.
7:15 Stove PRX
That report comes to us courtesy station KALW's Hana Baba.