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51% Show # 1056


Albany, NY – The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that between five and ten million girls and women have eating disorders. About a million boys and men are affected, too. One of the most sought after lecturers on the college circuit today talks about the connection between those problems, the increase in violence against women, and the disturbing trend toward sexualizing our children. Her name is Jean Kilbourne....and when she first started talking about what she saw back in the 70s, she was a pretty, shy young woman who'd been fighting to be taken seriously. Once she began to speak out, she was considered a complete radical

10:39 Kilbourne

To find out more about Kilbourne, her books and her movies, go to jeankilbourne.com. Her new book is So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents Can Do To Protect Their Kids. It is published by Random House.

Coming up, a bank that's discovered micro loans are the ones that really work - and loans to women are the ones that work the best.

If you missed part of our show, you can find us online at wamc.org or call 1-800-323-9262 to order a CD - you'll need to know the program number. This week's show is #1056. (12:31)

Many of the largest banks in the US nearly tanked in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, but one bank has barely skipped a beat. That bank serves the people most commercial banks consider too poor, too risky or too qualify for loans. The Grameen Bank's borrowers put-up no collateral. Yet Washington correspondent Laura Iiyama reports the bank is so successful that it's grown beyond its original borders in one of the poorest countries in the world.

5:34 Grameen Bank Iiyama

And now let's turn it over to Manisha Thakor, 51%'s personal finance expert. This is something you'll want to pass around - a simple, easy to understand way to break down how we spend our money, and how to figure out what we can afford.

4:09 Thakor

For more tips and information from personal finance expert and author Manisha Thakor, go to manishathakor.com