Albany, NY – New York's governor had a bill on his desk from May until August that would make New York only the fifth state in the country to ban the routine shackling of female prisoners who are in labor. He finally promised to sign that bill in mid-August, but when the story made the New York Times, many people were shocked to learn that the practice is not uncommon.
4:31 Shackled birth
To find out more about the Women In Prison Project, visit online at
We've discussed rape as a weapon of war in the Congo, the problem of access to health care for women because of cultural taboos, efforts to stem the rising numbers of maternal mortalities. Now Doctor Padmini Murthy of New York Medical College has created a book that covers all those issues, and makes a clear correlation between women's health and human rights violations. The book is called Women's Global Health and Human Rights.
5:56 Murthy
That's Padmini Murthy and her book is called Women's Global Health and Human Rights. It's available on and all proceeds are being donated to charity.
Let's talk about a more mundane threat to our sense of well-being and safety - but one that every single woman everywhere has experienced. The horrible sensation of knowing you're alone - and maybe you shouldn't be. Writer Sari Botton experienced it firsthand.
5:47 Stalker Botton
Sari Botton is a writer who lives in Rosendale, NY. You can find out more about her at
And finally, it's Artspace. Alu is an LA-based musician who sounds a little bit like Rasputina, and a little like a visitor from another planet. John Diliberto, host of NPR's Echoes program has an interview.
3:29 Alu Diliberto