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51% Show # 1022


Albany, NY – Everybody's thinking about love when mid-February rolls around. And for far too many people, it's just another reason to get stressed out. It's not just that awkward coffee date, or the do we or don't we question about that kiss goodnight. Now there's internet dating...so you can be rejected on 25 important personality traits by multiple people.

:15 chemistry.com ad

But if you just admit that dating is horrible, and stop pretending it's fun, maybe you'll be okay. You might even find someone you're really happy to be with. At least that's the philosophy behind the book "Dating Makes You Want To Die: But You Have To Do It Anyway" by Dan Holloway and Dorothy Robinson. They have some unique ideas about how to navigate the dating gauntlet...but even they can't agree on exactly the right way to do it.

7:33 Dating Makes You Want To Die Barnett

The book is "Dating Makes You Want To Die: But You Have To Do It Anyway" by Dan Holloway and Dorothy Robinson. It is published by Collins Living.

Coming up, what do kids think about dating? Wait til you hear the next generation's predictions for relationships.

If you missed part of our show, you can listen to 51% anytime. Just download our podcast at wamc.org or call 1-800-323-9262 to order a CD, you'll need to know the program number. This week's show is #1022.

And don't forget - FREE CDs are still available of our National Science Foundation "Sounds of Progress" series. Just go to womeninscience.org (9:54)
If baby boomers and young people have it tough - imagine what it's like for the kids just starting to date. Bad enough that they're starting to date younger and younger. Now they have texting, myspace, facebook and the ever-present cellphone. There's just no way they're going to be able to avoid the dating drama. Zoe Hye is a high school student, and in this report she checks in with the younger kids to see what they predict the future of dating will be.

Teen Dating 4:53 PRX

Next, Kimberly Kay has some common sense advice for anyone who's in a relationship and wants to stay that way. Listen closely - this is not your mother's idea of good advice.

3:55 Kay Relationship Guru

Kimberly Kay works on her relationship in the Catskills of New York.

And finally, Adrian Boies takes us back to high school to ask, "What IS love?"

4:15 What is Love PRX