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51% Show # 1020


Albany, NY – Rachel Corrie became a folk hero after her death in Gaza in 2003...and a play about her experience became a lightning rod in the discussion of art and fairness.

9:49 PRX Rachel Corrie

The NY play was eventually produced off Broadway in 2006 and ran for 48 performances. It has been performed in Israel. Australian playwright Ben Ellis wrote "Blindingly Obvious Facts", a ten minute fugue composed of what he called 'ugly' verbatim excerpt from right wing blogs discussing Rachel Corrie's death. It was performed in Australia in 2007 and 2008.

Coming up, more women who took chances...and accepted the consequences.

There is a walkway in Israel devoted to heroes...people who risked their own lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.
They're known as Righteous People...or Righteous Gentiles.

6:08 Vos - Barnett

Want to know more? There's a link to more information at jewishvirtuallibrary.org

And finally, a conversation with Ingrid Newkirk. She's no stranger to controversy. She's the founder of PETA...you know - the ones who've been known to throw blood on women wearing fur coats. She has a new book out - it's called "One Can Make A Difference."

6:07 Newkirk - Barnett

Ingrid Newkirk's book is called "One Can Make A Difference." It is published by Adams Media.


** FREE CDs **
Listeners please note. For a limited time only, FREE CD sets of our highly acclaimed recent series supported by the National Science Foundation, "The Sounds of Progress", are now available by calling Nell Brady at (800) 323-9262, ext. 169, or emailing her at nbrady@wamc.org. Or request them by visiting our dedicated site on the web at www.womeninscience.org.