51% Show # 1008


Albany, NY – Hillary Clinton energized millions of voters when she ran for the Democratic presidential nomination. Barack Obama's campaign has proven to be the biggest grassroots campaign ever, thanks to a beautifully organized use of the Internet. And once Sarah Palin joined the Republican ticket, the cheering crowds turned out in droves for the McCain rallies. That's a lot of excitement. But someone has to lose...and when they do, the people who have taken those candidates to their hearts are bereft. That's grief, pure and painful. Robert Kugelman of the University of Dallas is the author of "Stress: The Nature and Structure of Engineered Grief." His theory is that stress is actually grief that never resolves.

Kugelman (4:02)

Robert Kugelman's book is "Stress: The Nature and Structure of Engineered Grief." It is published by Praeger Press.

Coming up on 51%, the doors opened by the New Deal...and the doors that shut because of America's fear of communism.

If you missed part of our show, you can listen to 51% anytime. Just download our podcast at www.wamc.org or call 1-800-323-9262 to order a CD - you'll need to know the program number. This week's show is # 1008.

(Music Bed 5:59)
Millions of feminists were crushed when Hillary Clinton didn't win the Democratic nomination. And many of them were infuriated by Sarah Palin, a woman they saw as anti-feminist. Linda Lowen offers a look at what is, finally, the bottom line.

Lowen commentary (4:44)

Linda Lowen is the guide to women's issues for About.com.

During the Great Depression, FDR's new deal created sweeping programs to put Americans back to work. Many of his ideas are getting a second look now. One of the most successful programs was the Federal Theatre Project - an innovative program to put actors and writers to work, and bring not only entertainment, but social commentary, to small towns all over the country. The project was run by Hallie Flannagan...and it finally collapsed because of the Red Scare. Susan Quinn is the author of a new book, "Furious Improvisation - How the WPA and a Cast of Thousands Made High Art Out Of Desperate Times."

Quinn - Barnett (5:42)

The book is "Furious Improvisation" by Susan Quinn and it is published by Walker and Company.

As part of our National Science Foundation, "The Sounds of Progress" series, narrator Kate Mulgrew, investigates Lilivati...a mystery from the 12th century.

2:00 NSF #14 Lilivati

If you'd like to find out more or hear more in this series, visit www.womeninscience.org.

And finally today, when all the dust has settled, when we've stopped grieving what might have been...whatever we hoped it would be, at the end of the day we are still Americans. And essayist Jelane Kennedy says it took an encounter in another country to remind her of what that can mean.

2:28 Kennedy essay "Being an American"
Jelane Kennedy is an Associate Professor of Counseling at the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY.

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