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Albany Police Chief Eric Hawkins to depart for Warren, Mich. role

51% 925


Albany , NY –
On this week's program:

We've been talking a lot lately about women in the presidency and in congress...but a new report shows women are still make up, on average, less than a quarter of state legislatures. The report, from the Women's Legislative Network of the National Conference of State Legislatures shows that only seven states have legislatures that are more than 30 percent female. The state with the lowest percentage of women in the legislature, Alabama with 12...but the highest percentage can be found in Vermont. 51%'s Pat Bradley reports from the green mountain state.

Feminism, like many isms has different definitions depending on who you ask.
Which leaves a lot of questions that can create conflict between people who share many...if not most of their beliefs. Can I be a feminist and wear make up, shave my legs...Date men? Like shopping?Amy Richards and Jennifer Baumgardener have been examining these questions for years. These 30 something feminist authors met about 14 years ago in the office of Ms. Magazine. They began looking at what it really means to be a feminist now. Since then they've collaborated on two books on the subject, Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism and the Future, and, Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism and have been traveling around the country sharing their thoughts on this new feminism . I caught up with them at a women's conference at The College of Saint Rose in Albany NY.


Kate Mulgrew has another episode of, Herstory .


She's been touted as a testament to the power of words to change lives. April is National poetry month...so we thought we'd share the some of the life and work of a the most successful slam poet in history... who almost didn't become a poet at all...


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STATIONS: If you have comments or suggestions please contact Mary Darcy at

ATTENTION PRODUCERS AND REPORTERS: Here is an opportunity to have your stories

aired on a nationally syndicated program! 51% is now accepting stories for
broadcast. Call Mary Darcy at 800-323-9262 x.185. Pitch your story idea, and
if we like the idea, you'll be asked to send the story for review. We're looking
for interesting and enlightening women's issues stories or profiles on women
you think are inspirational. Thank You.