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Lightning Fill In The Blank


Now it's time to move on to our final game, Lighting Fill In The Blank. Each of our players will have 60 seconds in which to answer as many fill-in-the-blank questions as he or she can. Each correct answer now worth two points. Bill, can you give us the scores?

BILL KURTIS, BYLINE: Sure can. Two, three and four. Oh...


KURTIS: Faith has two, Charlie has three, and Kyrie has four.

SAGAL: All right. So, Faith, you're in third place. You're up first. The clock will start when I begin your first question. Fill in the blank. On Wednesday, an attack with a knife left the U.S. ambassador to blank hospitalized.

FAITH SALIE: South Korea.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: Senate Republicans fell five votes short of overturning President Obama's veto of the blank bill.

SALIE: Keystone.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: After two months of jury selection, the trial of the blank bomber began on Wednesday.

SALIE: Boston.

SAGAL: Yes. Boston Marathon.


SAGAL: A Massachusetts woman impersonating her boyfriend in order to withdraw money from his bank account was foiled when employs saw blank.

SALIE: Her mustache fall off.

SAGAL: Exactly right.


SAGAL: According to police, not such a great disguise. Researchers in Ethiopia say they have discovered a jawbone belonging to one of the world's first blanks.

SALIE: Homo sapiens.

SAGAL: Yeah. Human ancestor.


SAGAL: The Ringling Brothers Circus announced that they intend to phase out blank acts by 2018.

SALIE: Elephant.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: A substitute teacher in Ohio will be...


SAGAL: ...Sent to jail for 90 days after showing a high school class a movie entitled blank.

SALIE: The title.


SALIE: I know it was like a horribly obscene and violent movie.

SAGAL: It was. But it was called "The ABCs Of Death."

SALIE: Of death.


SAGAL: Yes. "The ABCs Of Death" - it sounds educational until you get to the 'of death' part.


SAGAL: It's a horror anthology film depicting a grisly death or horrible incident - one for each letter of the alphabet. It's E for exterminate. In any event, the students leapt to her defense with their own short film "C Is For The Coolest Substitute Teacher Ever." This is true. The jury foreman said after they sent her to jail for 90 days - said that they believed her when she said that she didn't know what the film was, but not, quote, "after the third, fourth and fifth screening." How did Faith do on our quiz?

KURTIS: Very well. Six right, 12 more points, 14, and she has a lead.

SAGAL: Excellent. All right.


SAGAL: Very good round. Faith studies up. Charlie, you're up next. Fill in the blank. After a three-month battle, the House approved a bill that would fund the blank for the rest of the year.

CHARLIE PIERCE: Department of Homeland Security.

SAGAL: That's right.


SAGAL: Thousands gathered this week to protest the murder of an opposition leader in blank.

PIERCE: Russia.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: On Monday, military forces in Iraq launched a campaign to recapture Tikrit from blank.


SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: After a 30-year congressional career, Maryland Senator blank announced she would be retiring in 2016.

PIERCE: Barbara Mikulski.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: A fire chief in Canada was forced to remind citizens that blank was not a legitimate reason to call 911.

PIERCE: They were lost.

SAGAL: No. They were just checking to make sure that 911 was still working.


SAGAL: A lawyer for blank said he would be willing to return to the United States if he could be guaranteed a fair trial.

PIERCE: Edward Snowden.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: An Ireland man who...


SAGAL: ...Attempted to steal a Mercedes by throwing a brick through its window blanked.

PIERCE: Missed.

SAGAL: No. He was right on target. He hit the window. It bounced off the window, hit him in the head and knocked him out.


SAGAL: The incident was captured on a security camera. So we take back anything bad we've ever thought about the surveillance state.


SAGAL: Bill, how did Charlie do on our quiz?

KURTIS: Charlie got five right, 10 more points, 13 total, but Faith still has the lead.

SAGAL: All right. How many then does Kyrie need to win?

KURTIS: Five to tie, six to win.

SAGAL: Here we go to, Kyrie.

O'CONNOR: High bar. High bar.

SAGAL: You can do it. This week, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the legal challenge against blank.

O'CONNOR: The Affordable Care Act.

SAGAL: Yeah.


SAGAL: La Guardia Airport was briefly closed on Thursday after a plane blanked.

O'CONNOR: Skidded off the runway.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: The Supreme Court of Alabama ruled that the state must uphold its ban on blank.

O'CONNOR: Same-sex marriage.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: On Wednesday, a hospital in Liberia released the country's last known blank patient.

O'CONNOR: Ebola.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: A lawmaker in Oklahoma petitioned to change his state's official vegetable because it's current official vegetable is blank.

O'CONNOR: A fruit.

SAGAL: Yes. It's the watermelon.


SAGAL: This week, Google announced that they'd be starting their own small-scale blank service.

O'CONNOR: Car service.

SAGAL: No, wireless for your phone. Best known for playing Mr. Spock on "Star Trek" and a friend of this show blank passed away at the age of 83.

O'CONNOR: Leonard Nimoy.

SAGAL: Right.


SAGAL: This week, a Seattle man was disciplined for sexting...


SAGAL: ...While blanking.

O'CONNOR: Having sex.



SAGAL: He was sexting while performing surgery.

O'CONNOR: Oh, not good.

SAGAL: The Department of Health revoked the man's medical license after it was discovered that over the past year, he had sexted while performing surgery while we all know you should only sext while driving a car.


SAGAL: Bill, did Kyrie do well enough to win?

KURTIS: She got six right, 12 more points, and when we totaled it up, she had 16 and the win.

SAGAL: Congratulations, Kyrie. Hard to do, but you did it.


SAGAL: In just a minute, we're going to ask our panelists now that Bibi Netanyahu's speech before Congress was such a big hit, who will John Boehner invite next and why? Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.